Women’s Connection Group February 14, 2019

Women’s Connection Luncheon - Mountain of the Lord Faith Fellowship

On February 14, 2019, the ladies had a wonderful time at Rebecca's at the Lodge.

Darlene Watson was the hostess, and the co-hosts were Janyce Chesnut and Sharon Cox.

Jan Lee gave a presentation on America and we sang, "How Great is our God" and "Shout to the Lord".

The room decorations were beautiful, thanks to the arrangements by Ms. Elaine Burgess, Event Coordinator and Billy, our waiter.  They did an outstanding job for our ladies.  The food selections were very good and the ladies enjoyed their meals.

Thank you to our church for treating us all to lunch.

We had a total of 17 women in attendance, including three guests.


Upcoming Women’s Connection Luncheon

On March 14, 2019 we are meeting at Jan L’s home starting at 10:30 sharp.

This is our regular luncheon.  Jan is severing Chicken Cordon Bleu.  Please bring sides dishes appropriate to the main dish.

Jan has arranged for Ms. Yolonda Fields as our guest speaker.  Her topic is another upcoming event, "Women's Prayer Conference" in Alamogordo, April 15, 2019, starting at 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. at the Willie Estrada Civic Center.  Tickets are $17.00 per person, including lunch.  Some scholarships are available through Ms. Fields.   This is not a MOTLFF event.  If you are interested, please let Jan know and she will make arrangements for the purchase of tickets.