
Merry Stress-free Christmas!

Merry Stress-free Christmas!

Christmas, what better time to get back into trying to do this blog?
We’re all hustling around trying to get ready for family that’s coming in, or getting ready to leave town to go see family, wrapping presents, stressing over the extra expense of those presents, hunting for that perfect Christmas tree (or putting together that perfect Christmas tree that you found in the department store 20 years ago), getting out the ornaments and decorations, hanging lights, etc. etc. etc.
This is a very busy, and sometimes stressful time of year. So, don’t forget the One that it’s really all about. JESUS, its all about Jesus. Or at least should be.
If we choose to make Christmas about Jesus instead of all of the expectations that the world wants to put on us, it will be a far less stressful time of year.
The celebration of Christmas should be a celebration of the greatest gift ever given to mankind, and not about the gifts we might give to each other. We have a tendency to focus on what we can do, or what we have done, rather than focusing on the gift of Salvation that God has given to all of us who will accept that gift. What could we possibly do to compare with that? Absolutely nothing!
So, relax a little, it’s already been done for you. Celebrate the gift of God starting this Christmas. Celebrate that gift every day throughout the year, and don’t be surprised if some of that stress that the world wants to put on you just melts away as you turn your focus to Jesus.
So, let’s put Christ back into Christmas! No more Happy Holidays, declare what you are celebrating. The birth of our Savior, the gift of eternal life. Let me be the first to say, Merry stress-free Christmas to you, as you celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the precious gift of God.

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